Who owns the economy?

The radioshow Who owns the economy? will continue with a new guest. This time, Olga Mink goes into live conversation with Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Vice-President of The Club of Rome, where he co-leads the initiatives on Emerging New Civilization(s) and Youth and Intergenerational Dialogues. In the radioshow we will discuss the social blind spots which have driven us into the accelerated gridlocks in which we live, and how to rethink our economy as part of a larger, complex system of systems (www.rararadio.org).


Episode #3

Carlos Alvarez Pereira is Vice President of the Club of Rome and a member of the Advisory Boards of the UNESCO Chair of Global Understanding for Sustainability at the University of Jena. He is particularly keen on the transformation of research and innovation processes to respond to our existential challenges. He is a fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and has been a lecturer and researcher in Applied Mathematics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).

Olga Mink
is the artistic director of Future Of Work Foundation, a visionary thought leader for a new collaborative economy in times of profound societal challenges. Olga is also researcher at Avans University of Applied Sciences. She recently co-published the book Co-Emerging Economies, an artistic inquiry into alternative economic narratives, together with Reon Brand.