The future is now (BNA Circular Architecture)

On Friday, December 11, Studio Buro Kade will be all about the future all day long. Because the future is now! With three very different programs about the future of work, the future of energy and the future of architecture, we show you that the future is already underway and very close by.


Visualizations of the future

Ine Gevers, Artistic Director Niet Normaal INT Foundation and curator of the expo experience (Im)possible Bodies in 2020, and Imke Ruigrok, curator of the upcoming exhibition Re/Nature in 2021, take you into their vision of the future. The future cannot be predicted, but we can try to imagine the future. Such a look into the future took place in ‘s-Hertogenbosch at the end of October 2020 with the successful interactive virtual experience about cyborgs, data and artificial intelligence: (Im)possible Bodies. For the festival of 2021, the Niet Normaal INT Foundation has handed over the baton to the Future of Work Foundation (FOW). FOW seeks the connection between artistic representations of our shared future within the (professional) practice of the day after tomorrow. In particular, the role that work plays in society and how we will deal with work in the future. #futurenow #toekomstnu #futureofwork


Energie galore in the diezedelta!!!

A year ago we announced the study The Mengfabriek indicates energy. An investigation into an innovative experiment around a possible energy transition with questions such as: ‘Can we apply the principles of thermochemical storage in the circular redevelopment assignment of the national monument De Mengfabriek on the Tramkade in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, making use of the silos present and image-determining in the area? And if so, how? How can the immediate environment benefit from it? And how do we connect designers, scientists, students and citizens to this assignment? Together with the expert team consisting of TNO, Bouwnext, Alba Concepts and initiator Buro Kade we present the results of the research, look back and look ahead. #futurenow #toekomstnu #futureofenergy #mengfabriek #diezedelta


Circular Architecture / Materials Passports

It is evident that it is important to record which materials, and therefore valuable raw materials, are “stored” in our existing and new buildings. But what is the role of the architect / designer? And what does the architect / designer need and what to offer? We have put together a challenging online program on “the trees, the forest” of the materials passports. With an introduction by Hans Hammink (ArchitektenCie.) With New Horizon Urban Mining / Material Balance and Madaster we discussed the above topics and the critical notes that can be cracked about it. #futurenow #toekomstnu #futureofarchitecture #bna #urbanminingcollective #newhorizon #madaster

Buro Kade / De Conceptenbouwers.

Organisation and projectmanagement:
Ithaca, Breda.

Ine Gevers & Imke Ruigrok (Re / Nature), Anne-Marie Rakhorst (Brabant gives energy), Mike van der Geld (Alderman), Matthijs Bosman (Artist), Hans Hammink (ArchitektenCie), Michel Baar (New Horizon Urban Mining / Material Balance), Thomas Rau (Madaster), Michael Bol (Buro Kade).

Companies present:
TNO, Bouwnext, Alba Concepts, Buro Kade.

Studio Buro Kade, ’s-Hertogenbosch.