(Im)possible Bodies

(Im)possible Bodies is an interactive virtual experience about cyborgs, data and artificial intelligence. It offers a digital voyage of discovery through augmented realities with (ro)bots, 3D artworks and avatars that meet in a comprehensive, shared and sensory online experience. Visitors enter the online festival using a laptop and an app, bringing works of art to life and even becoming part of them (www.impossiblebodies-experience.nl).



Together with more than 30 participating designers, hackers and artists, (Im)possible Bodies researches the question: What kind of cyborgs do we want to become? Because we have long been cyborgs! Implants in and improvements to our body are the new normal. And we are actually already fused with our mobile phones. As a visitor of (Im)possible Bodies you will have the opportunity to actively be in the shoes of a cyborg and reflect on what being cyborg actually means. Do you realize you’ve long been a cyborg? Are we going to propagate perfection as the new commodity? What is a “normal” body? Is a standard even desirable, and what are the alternatives? Do algorithms and artificial intelligence help, or are diversity and inclusion at risk again? How can we accept imperfection as a hallmark of humanity? Reinvent yourself and the other during this physical and online exhibition experience, and think about what your body means and will mean in the near future.





Opening (Online Streaming)

Artists / designers:
Redo Ait Chitt, Johanna Bruckner, Joy Buolamwini, Valerie Daude, Ali Eslami & Mamali Shafahi, Quintus Glerum, Agi Haines, Neil Harbisson, Geumhyung Jeong, Jennifer Kanary, Mire Lee, Emma van der Leest, Elise Marcus, Rosa Menkman, Simon Senn, Pinar & Viola, Polymorf, Femke Snelting, Moon Ribas, ReepsOne, Saint Machine, Viviane Sassen, Paul Segers, Sander Veenhof, Marsha Wichers, Hannes Wiedemann, Doris Ulrich, Hector Zamora, Ningli Zhu, Noam Younrak Son, Boer & Smeenk, Leeza Pritychenko.

Deep Dive:
Talks, performances, panels with a.o. Den Bosch Data Week, Design Museum, Dutch Design Week, RUW, STRP-festival, SPARK Makers Zone, Buro Kade.

Future Shock:
Moor Mother, Kali Malone, Gabber Modus Operandi, Colin Self, Dadabots, Bert Scholten, Red Brut, Asa Horvitz, Hyperstition Duo.

Ine Gevers (artistic director / curator), Onno Ephraim (business leader), Morgan Catalina (assistent curator), Arthur Janssen (music programmer), Monique Verhulst (exhibition manager), Jenny van den Broeke (producer online expo AR), Coralie den Adel (marketing and communication), Luc van Acht (online marketing), Victor Verstraelen (communication), Gido Broers (ticketing), Willem de Leeuw (producer exhibition on location), Marianne van Andel (production leader exhibition), Marieke Verkoelen (sponsoring), Lisa van Winden (administration), Elijah van Soldt (contentmanager), Ilse Aarts / Hannah van der Maagt (volunteer coordination), Aliyah van der Panne (audience research).

Brabant C, Gemeente ‘s-Hertogenbosch, BankGiro Loterij Fonds, Fonds 21, Mondriaan Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, VSB Fonds.

With special thanks to:
Cassandra Vugts, Kirsti Pol, Jasper Sluis, Marijn Moerbeek, Henri Swinkels.